HSSCU’s Sustainability Charter 2023

News, Wednesday 1st November, by HSSCU

Our New Sustainability Charter


We are pleased to publish our Sustainability Charter 2023. This charter outlines our commitment to sustainability both environmentally and socially. The charter is in line with our strategic objectives and organisational ethics. Credit Unions are the only financial institution in Ireland owned and governed by their members, making them by their structure, designed to be sustainable.


You can view the charter here: Sustainability Charter 2023


This charter has been developed by our Environmental and Social Impact (ESI) Committee which is made up of volunteers and staff members. It is one part of the work this committee has been involved with during the past year. As a credit union, we look forward to continuing our work in the area of sustainability and exploring new opportunities should they arise.


Sustainability At HSSCU

You can explore some of our activities around sustainability by clicking the links below. This is just a snapshot of the work that your credit union HSSCU does in the area of sustainability.


Social Impact Report 2022

Our Green Living Roof
The Betty Noone Bursary
1,000 Trees Planted
HSSCU Scholarship


Sustainability Charter HSSCU cover

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